France bans Muslim abayas in schools, sparking fresh secularism debate
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France bans Muslim abayas in schools, sparking fresh secularism debate

Jun 01, 2023

The French government's state-run school ban on long, loose-fitting robes, worn mainly by Muslim women, has sparked fresh political debate about the country's secular rules.

The announcement ahead of the new school year drew applause from the right, but also criticism as France’s education minister said the garments were testing secularism in the nation’s schools.

France has enforced a ban on religious symbols in state schools since 2004, including Muslim headscarves, Jewish kippas and large crosses, to uphold its strict brand of secularism, known as "laicite".

The topic is a sensitive one, regularly triggering political tension in the country with wider bans often primarily affecting Muslims, some of whom feel stigmatised by efforts to make them conform.

Critics say that abayas, worn by women, and kamees, the male garb, are no more than a fashion statement which do not constitute an ostentatious sign of religion and should not be banned from classrooms under the 2004 law.

Education Minister Gabriel Attal told a news conference their growing prevalence must be met with a firm response to tackle what sometimes amounts to "infringements, attempts at destabilisation".

"Our schools are continually put under test, and over the past months, breaches to laicite have increased considerably, in particular with [pupils] wearing religious attire like abayas and kamees."

The head of the conservative Les Republicains party, Eric Ciotti, was quick to welcome the move, which he said was long overdue.

A union of school principals welcomed the decision, saying what it needed above all was clarity from the government.

But many on the left criticised the move, including hard-left MP Clementine Autain, who criticised what she called the "clothes police" and a move "characteristic of an obsessional rejection of Muslims".

And some academics agreed the move could be counterproductive, all the more as it touched on clothing they said was worn for fashion or identity rather than religion.

"It's going to hurt Muslims in general. They will, once again, feel stigmatised," said sociologist Agnes De Feo, who has been researching French women wearing niqab for the past decade.

"It's really a shame because people will judge these young girls, while it [the abaya] is a teenage expression without consequences."

Djennat, 22, who wears abayas at home, said she could not understand why it was banned.

"It's a long dress, quite loose, it's a normal garment, there is no religious meaning attached to it," she told Reuters, declining to give her full name because she was training to become a teacher.

In 2004, France banned headscarves in schools and passed a ban on full-face veils in public in 2010, angering some in its more than 5 million-strong Muslim community, and triggering the creation of private Muslim schools, Ms De Feo said.

Less than a year ago, Mr Attal's predecessor, Pap Ndiaye, said he was against banning the abaya, telling the Senate that "the abaya is not easy to define, legally … it would take us to the administrative tribunal, where we would lose".

Daoud Riffi, who teaches Islam studies at the Lille Institute of Political Studies, agreed.

"In and of itself, there's no such thing as an Islamic outfit. We need to challenge that myth," he told Reuters.

Mr Riffi said there was a wider fashion trend among female high school students, who buy long dresses and kimonos online.

Both Mr Riffi and Ms De Feo said that to differentiate between fashion and religion could lead to pupils being profiled based on their identity.

French authorities fear that religious symbols are a gateway to Islamic radicalism, which has erupted in violence in France in the past, and push for secularism in an attempt to guarantee religious neutrality in a multicultural nation.

A 2021 law against what officials refer to as "separatism" was aimed at further strengthening French secularism, notably by increasing oversight of mosques, schools and sports clubs to root out signs of Islamic radicalism.

This is in direct contrast to other secular countries, such as Australia where religious expression is protected by law and public school uniform guidelines have exceptions for religious clothing.

Religion is also allowed to be taught in public schools despite almost 40 per cent of the population reporting no religious affiliation.

